Shola Adebayo popularly called "P.Sho" is an eccentric and dynamic music artist. His zeal and keenness for God is evident in his worship.
Known for his passion and authenticity laced with skill, P.Sho
blew the airwaves with his husky voice when his 1st single - *Beautiful
Beyond Description*- dropped. The depth of his lyrics and spiritual
content was caught, and the song spread like wildfire.
Beautiful Beyond Description was top on the music chart list on an online music blog.
the song "Beautiful Beyond Description" is making waves on air in
Nigeria and other African countries, and has touched the lives of many
This new release "What More" from P.Sho's soon-coming album- Walking On Water [W.O.W] is a song inspired by the works of God in P.Sho's life. It is a song about gratitude, grace and praise. In it, P.Sho expresses his appreciation to God and confesses his faith in His progressively 'finished' work in him.
is a song that will envelop your heart. It will definitely uplift and
strengthen any weary and down spirit. It is the song for the moment that
will bring genuine praise back to the lips of all people.
Listen to it, download it, sing it and share it!