Download Music || Beverly Ononye- Praise YAHWEH

Beverly is one of Nigeria's finest female gospel music artists.

She has a special anointing for singing songs of deep consecration to edify the body of Christ.

According to the woman of God, her purpose is to be the voice that reminds the “church” of the need to understand and fully maximise their new identity in Christ.

About the song - PRAISE YAHWEH

This is so far the most unusual song for me as I would never have thought I would do this genre of music. When the instrumentals for this song were handed over to me by my friend and producer pastor Courage, I told him that there was no way I could  do it. But here we are months after and I can't get enough of the song. It has taught me that when it comes to praising God, self consciousness can be a major hindrance.

Please forget about yourself, put on your dancing shoes as we praise Yahweh.

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