Music: We Decree - Wisdom Wonderful

We Decree -  Wisdom Wonderful

Thou shalt also DECREE a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

The days of mourning, weeping and sorrow is over for THIS is JOY THIS MORNING. Open up your mouth and speak it forth and it shall be established.

Fast raising sensational Gospel artist WisdomWonderful is here with another anointed song titled "WE DECREE". He is a Musicologist, Fashionista and an entrepreneur.

With the present experience in life, God is here to help you strengthen every part of your being. A closed mouth is a closed destiny just open up your mouth and speak it forth, keep decreeing it shall come to pass. All thanks to KgospelMusic for bringing this song to you.

Get song now on all major  DIGITAL STORES

(Holy Ghost) 

Yes! We decree, And declare ,
Weeping may endure for a night, this is Joy this morning.

Agunechemba (The Lion that guards the universe)
Amama Amasi Amasi (The God that Knows all) 
Oshimiri Atata (The river that never runs dry) 
Echeta Echezo Mpa (The one you remember and forget all your sorrows and worry's)
Chineke mo (My God!) 
Ome Okachie eze m (He says and does the final. My King) 

Yes we Decree 
And declare 
Weeping may endure for a night 
This is Joy this morning 

(Ad libitum)

Your Hustle go pay oooo 
You won't labour in vain
No more Carry overs 
No more Deaths 
 No more more Diseases 

We decree 
Forward ever
Backward Never 
Your admission is here right now
You corpse won't be taken back home to your parent... 
We decree and declare 
We decree to you marriage 
No more miscarriage 
Noooo barrenness 
No childlessness
No broken homes...... 

Iya ibeji emaku orire ( Congratulations to you mother of twins or a pregnant woman)
Wipe your tears 
Ire ti to e wa (Joy has arrived) 
Adura re to gba (your prayers has been answered)
We decree and declare

For Booking:
Tel: 07037021679 / 08068724282

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