Music: YOU NO DEY LIE - Chris Gabriel

Sensational Gospel artist and prolific songwriter releases his brand new single titled "YOU NO DEY LIE" Produced by Tommy J

According to Chris Gabriel, he said, You no dey lie was inspired by the Holy Spirit through his life and other people's life story, the song "YOU NO DEY LIE" Is emphasized on building people's faith and hope to Jesus encouraging the society that no matter what life might give them or they may go through, they should never give up on God, Because God has promised and he will surely do it just as God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change, whatever he say he will do that's what do, he doesn't lie.

Ochube Christain Ogwuche as populary known by his stage name Chris Gabriel, is a native of Ejah Ai-Ona Orokam Ogbadibo in Benue State.

Chris is a passionate lover and worshiper of Jesus Christ, his aim in Christendom is to see society desperately and firmly depends on God, he's the number 7th of nine children, he's a minister of faith, a songwriter, recording and performing gospel artist, he's the writer of "YOU NO DEY LIE" 

Download the song, play it every blessed day and be blessed by it..

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