The World Has Shifted, and It's Time To Pivot [End Your Year Strong 2020]

Are you ready to End Your Year Strong? As the premier apostolic & prophetic Summit, we provide an elevated leadership experience that equips individuals from all walks of life to make the necessary shifts that will position them for a greater impact within the spheres of their influence.

Everything you've gone through up until this point has be designed for you to prosper...but you must PIVOT...

Don't allow the opposition, the pressure, or the current crisis keep the greatness within you from emerging for this time in history! Behold, God is doing a NEW thing...and this requires a "pivot!"

Join host & futurist, Dr. Cindy Trimm and a collective of future-focused, distinguished intellects, forward-thinking creatives, and accurate prophesiers for a two-day virtual experience on December 11-12.

Get ahead of the game by getting a view from the future at End Your Year Strong 2020!

Register NOW for EYYS 2020 @
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