Honoring #BlackHistoryMonth​ with Paul Adefarasin | Brothers With The Same Struggle


When you don’t know your roots, you cannot bear fruit. A sin of slavery was how our conquerors aimed to wipe out memories of our ancestors and separate us from our identity. But we are not defined by our conquerors! The Bible tells our history, story after story of Black men and women making a difference as pioneers of civilization. 

From Keturah, who birthed an extraordinary lineage, to Nimrod, a mighty ruler, to Simon of Cyrene, who carried Jesus’ cross. These are our forebears. Embrace their stories. They were our eyes that led us to the Promised Land and our inspiration as we continue the work they began.

Message: Honoring #BlackHistoryMonth​ with Pastor Paul Adefarasin | Brothers with the Same Struggle
Scripture: Numbers 10: 29-33
Speaker: Pastor Paul Adefarasin
Date: February 17, 2021
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