The Twin Towers fell on a clear, sunny day. A terrorist attack struck at the heart of America, and the world watched in horror as nearly 3,000 lives were lost amid mountains of rubble. Twenty years later, September 11 is still etched into our minds and will be forever.
That same Tuesday, Michael's Worship album hit the shelves and airwaves. Across the globe there were much larger concerns. People feared for their families. Many grieved. Some raised their fists in anger. Where was God in the midst of this tragedy?
Then something happened.
God began speaking to His people through music. He comforted them, drew them close, and let their hearts beat with His. He was not some distant, uncaring Father. People around the world began to find comfort and hope in this collection of songs. The Worship album resonated in ways no one could have predicted and still does today.
On the twentieth anniversary of that day, Michael delivers his newest project, Worship Forever, a complete reimagining of the album from first track to last. Recorded with a live audience, a sixty-piece symphony orchestra, and twelve background singers, the album features special guests: Tauren Wells, Matt Redman, and Amy Grant.
In an ever-changing world, God calls each of us through worship into greater purity, power, and love. What can separate us from Jesus's love? Nothing. Neither terrorist threats nor political divides. Neither shame nor fear. As we praise our Abba Father together, may these songs propel us beyond momentary concerns into the light of eternity.
Each minute on this earth nudges us to that glorious day, a day without tears or pain. On that day we will rejoice, shout, clap, and bow down. Until then, we worship forever.
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