Album: Whosoever by Rend Collective


The worship band from Northern Ireland, Rend Collective, announces the release of their new album, Whosoever.

"This record is about the wide, generous embrace of God," shares Rend Collective. "Wide enough for prodigal sons stumbling home, wide enough for cynical older brothers: wide enough to wrap around any label we might apply to ourselves or others. 
The bold, soaring claim of John 3:16 is that God so loved THE WORLD so that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish. This offer is extended with no asterisks or fine print, transcending the silly tribal lines we draw between each other. This gospel is for WHOSOEVER. And that's good news because it includes all the people we love. And, scandalously, the ones we struggle to love. This is a story big enough, hopeful enough, and inspiring enough to keep us singing forever.
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