Christian Messages

Identity Crisis | Pastor Touré Roberts

One of Satan’s most effective attacks is to alter the perception of who you really are. He uses deceit to s…

The Convergence Bishop T.D. Jakes

Paul's journey from a Jewish Pharisee to an apostle for the Gentiles is one of several examples of Go…

The Peace Plan - Dr. Joel Tudman

In these tumultuous times, true peace and fulfillment don’t come from just hard work and external approval …

Don't Give Up- Pastor Dobbins

We all face trials, but yours are uniquely yours to push through. Now’s not the time to give up. Whatever y…

World Full of Walls - Bishop T.D. Jakes

In the “World Full of Walls” opening session at the 2023 International Leadership Summit, T.D. Jakes taught…

Finding Strength in Troubles - TDJakes

The biblical concept of circumcision isn’t just about a physical act — it’s about cutting away the things we…

I'm Not That Hungry- Dr. Joel Tudman

Before He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus fasted for 40 days. His flesh was weak, but fasting w…

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